Laura Brewer
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Laura Brewer

Recent Successes

My Sales

The first day I got my real estate licence coincided with my first-ever house sale!

It seems some agents are a natural-fit for helping people with their residential real estate needs, and I guess I am one of them. I pride myself on being outgoing, enthusiastic, relatable and I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people and getting to know them.

Customer service is extremely important to me and I believe this is an area in which I excel. As a former businessowner, I know the value of reputation and attention to detail, and I am dedicated to helping people achieve their dreams, wants and needs.

Self-evaluation and learning are important to me. I keep up to date with the latest market changes so I can keep my clients informed at all times. I am also able to tap-in to the latest digital and social media platforms, and market data, that Lodge has at its fingertips.

I will work hard to get you the results you are after. From me you can expect first-class communication, respect and honesty. I am here to offer clarity and guidance, whether you’re looking to buy or sell.

I will make a difference to your experience. Give me a call today, I am here for you and will be with you every step of the way. Let’s enjoy the next step of your housing journey.

About me:

Best traits: Kind, considerate, hard-working, honest, reliable, empathetic.

Experience: Chiropractic practice manager (Hamilton); Outback mining/tourist camp manager (Australia); General store owner (Waiheke Island); Cafe/restaurant owner (Paeroa); Travel Agency owner (Paeroa).

R&R: Cycling, walking my two rescue dogs, reading, drinking coffee and enjoying the peace and quiet from the couch (in my lovely renovated home). Spending time with my son and daughter-in-law, socialising with family and friends, travelling (Antarctica is on my list).

Best achievement: Going on Outward Bound aged 38 years old and surviving! It pushed me outside my comfort zone and beyond what I considered my capabilities were – it provided me with great inner strength, and courage.

My latest sales

My Recent Successes

Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.

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Laura Brewer

Residential Sales Consultant

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