Lodge Salesperson
About Chase Gray
Top 2 Lodge Group 22/23/24
Over $300M in confirmed sales since 2021
Chase Gray has quickly gained recognition as one of Hamilton's top real estate agents. Now, he is ranked among the top 60 real estate salespeople nationwide, as highlighted in this article.
If you’re looking for a dedicated salesperson with a professional approach, proven sales experience, and a commitment to achieving results, you’re in the right place. Chase is passionate about client satisfaction, focusing not only on making the sale but on building lasting relationships.
Specializing in residential and lifestyle properties from $500K to over $3M, Chase covers the majority of the market, ensuring your property is in capable hands. According to RateMyAgent, Chase’s average of 33 days on market outperforms the city median of 42 days. Supported by an experienced team—including Mike Thomas, Zoe West, and Tej Sra—you can trust this top team to help you reach your real estate goals. Contact us today for a confidential conversation on how we can assist you in achieving outstanding results.

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