The market is a river
Like the mighty Waikato River that traverses our region, the Hamilton real estate market flows in a state of constant change. It rises and falls, rages and retreats at will.
Crossing it can be perilous if you’re unfamiliar or unprepared. So we're here to give you guidance on what’s involved, what’s at stake, and what you need to consider before you dip your toes in.

We are your bridge
Our sole purpose is to provide you with a fast, secure and permanent connection across the ever-changing Hamilton real estate market.
We personally guarantee that with Lodge you are assured of the swiftest, safest, and most successful passage.

Choosing a Lodge salesperson
Whoever you choose you can be confident they'll do a fantastic job. If you've got one in mind, maybe you've worked with them before, been recommended to by a friend, or seen they're active in your area, you can find them here. Otherwise request an appraisal and our Managing Director Jeremy will connect you with the salesperson who best suits your needs.

What is an appraisal?
To put it simply, a salesperson pops over to your place, you have a chat about your property goals, they do some research and come back to you with an estimated sale price in today's market and a plan on how to sell, should you want to. Along with some solid advice on the best ways to add value to your home, what's going on in your suburb, and how the selling process works.
Don't be shy asking for one. It's what we live for, we love helping people make decisions about their property future. There's also no obligation to sell whatsoever, we're simply your trusted advisor.