Lodge Salesperson
About Alanna Cameron
Alanna believes that Real estate is a powerful thing. Where you live becomes the center of your universe "home base" and a place where memories are made. Even an investment property can have a profound effect on your life's story- when chosen correctly, it becomes long- term financial freedom and a vital part of your well- diversified portfolio.
Alanna is here to guide you through the real estate process. Whether a buyer, a seller or an investor, she has her clients' goals at the forefront of her mind. Alanna is here to keep the process fluid, successful and as low- stress as possible.
After many years working in customer centric companies, as head of sales and Operations at a national level, Alanna has strong negotiation, marketing skills and invaluable connections. Most importantly Alanna is result focused to ensure you reach your property goals.
If you are curious about what is happening in today's market, reach out Alanna is here to help.
Introducing Team Alanna Cameron
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Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.
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I have 5 properties for sale right now
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My Testimonials
Kind words from my happy clients
Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.
Very happy with Alanna having our biggest asset in her hands!
I was expertly guided by Alana and felt confident with the information and advice she gave me. I found her professional as well as being able to relate personally. She certainly made things easier for us trying to navigate an unfamiliar process and was responsive when needed.
Dianne O'Connor
I used Alanna to sell my home and it was such a relief to have her on board. She maximized the sale price of my property in a rapidly changing market, her communication was brilliant and she is very knowledgeable. Very grateful for her services.
Sophie Vincent
Alanna was a breath of fresh air! She is a passionate and relationship-focused professional with a warm and honest manner. We met her at a time when we had been to so many open homes we were getting lost in the process. She bought her experience and reassurance to us which made it easy to build trust and confidence in our working relationship. She really took the time to listen to us and provide well-informed and well-researched options and discussion. We would absolutely recommend Alanna to anyone who is looking to buy or sell property.
Hannah and Lauren
Buying a home is always a stressful experience but Alanna did everything she could to ensure it was as stress free as possible.Working with Alanna was an awesome experience; she took the time to find out exactly what we were wanting and worked with us every step to get it. She made herself available and was always ready with her radiant smile and down to earth attitude.Alanna made finding our new home easy. If you need someone to help find your home, someone who is ready to do the hard yards and someone who will go above and beyond the call of duty then Alanna should be your number one pick.
Craig and Linette Wise
If it wasn't for Alanna and her tenacity, commitment, loyalty, and willingness we would still be looking for a property now. I would highly recommend this lovely, and highly professional Real Estate agent to any prospective Buyer or Seller. We would certainly use Alanna again.
Ray and Joyce Taylor
Alanna was amazing with helping me find and buy my dream home. She was incredibly supportive, answering all my questions as a first time home buyer and listened to everything on my house wish list. I'm so grateful to Alanna for all her hard work to get me into my first home.
Sofia Alexander
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