Amanda Reilly
Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Amanda Reilly

Recent Successes

My Sales

On the Market

As at 13/02/25

My Listings

A career in real estate is no surprise as Amanda has bought, sold, and renovated more times than the national average suggests is the norm.

Following ten years of living in Auckland, Amanda returned to her hometown, Hamilton, in 2014. This has provided her with a strong network of contacts in both cities.

Previous experience encompasses over a decade in banking including mortgage lending and sales which honed Amanda’s ability to communicate and respect client confidentiality. Previous clients describe Amanda as “having tenacity” and being “a dynamic professional”.

Amanda was awarded Lodge Gold Club membership 2020-2022, a recognition she is immensely proud of.

Away from work, you might find Amanda at the roller-skating rink, speedway track, or attending a NIA class. She is also an active member of BNI The Tron.

Amanda aims to always provide her clients with the best possible real estate experience, whether buying or selling residential or lifestyle property.

My Awards

Gold Club


My Next Open Homes

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My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • Thanks Amanda, really great news that it has all gone through with the perfect timing of settlement date for us!Thanks again for all your hard work to make it happen, we could see you put a lot of effort in for us! Cheers

    Adrian & Sally

  • We both enjoyed meeting you Amanda, you were so honest and easy to work with that it was a pleasure.

    Pete & Kerry

  • Amanda has integrity, honesty and a high standard of work ethic. She knows the market and was spot on with her valuation of our house. We are so imperssed with her, you would be lucky to have Amanda represent you in selling or buying. Amanda lifts the standard!

    Hana Stevenson

  • Amanda made us her #1 priority when looking for our house. She is totally amazing and is on the ball at all times. Amanda is such a lovely person and we'd have no hesitation in recommending her as your real estate agent supremo!

    Shirley & Andrew

  • Amanda was professional, friendly, patient, and went the extra mile. Amanda sold my sister's property who is unwell so her effort and empathy was appreciated under the circumstances. Would highly recommend Amanda to anyone and I really appreciate the contact especially when I was in Australia. Keep up the good work and thanks again Amanda.

    Shona Hollinshead

  • Amanda has been an awesome agent who is always informative, a great listener, very patient, and a caring person with a great personality. Moving from Auckland has been a big step, especially with not knowing areas and buying procedures. Over our time with her nothing was ever a problem for her and her communication skills were excellent.We totally enjoyed our time with her she made us feel comfortable and special and hope to enjoy her friendship still.We can totally recommend her. Thanks Amanda.

    Robina and Dave

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Amanda Reilly

Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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