Brian Alcock
Residential & Rural Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Brian Alcock

Recent Successes

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On the Market

As at 16/02/25

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Prior to working in Real Estate, Brian spent 20 years in sales, marketing, Negotiating major environmental engineered infrastructure projects, detailed Intellectual Property Licences in New Zealand and Southeast Asia. Countries such as Vietnam, Sri Lanka Malaysia, and Myanmar. Contract values from $30million US Dollars These projects require a high degree of skill. and knowledge continually achieve repeat business .Patience and dedication was a large prerequisite working with the diverse people and cultures throughout South East Asia.

Brian has brought this same level of people skills, passion, dedication and service to selling real estate. Brian is a self-confessed work-a-holic. His dedication to Vendors and Purchasers needs have led to an elevated level of sales success and awards. Over the last 10 years Brian has been heavily involved in multi- million Dollar sales of rural land for future residential development . and working as a buyers agent to secure land for High wealth individuals and Families.

Let Brian's dedication, passion, people skills along with the ability to negotiate the purchase and sales of High value properties.

My Awards

Gold Club

2016 - 2018

My latest sales

My Recent Successes

Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.

My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • My wife and I wanted to buy a rental property in Hamilton. We only had one week in which to identify the property, to negotiate an acceptable purchase price and to put all the legal arrangements in train before we had to return to London. After a couple of false starts with other local real estate agents we were fortunate to meet Brian Alcock. He understood what we were looking for, gave us excellent advice, took us around a range of properties and assisted us with analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the properties. Once we had decided on a property he was supportive in enabling the vendor and ourselves to reach a mutually satisfactory price for the property. From this experience we have no hesitation in recommending Brian Alcock as an understanding and knowledgeable real estate agent and an able assistant in this complicated and often stressful process.

    G D N Hamilton

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Brian Alcock

Residential & Rural Sales Consultant

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