Brian Kneebone
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Brian Kneebone

Recent Successes

My Sales

On the Market

As at 14/03/25

My Listings

My name is Brian Kneebone and I have been working for Lodge Real Estate at the Hamilton East office for the last 30 years. I have enjoyed considerable success, being consistently one of Lodges top salespeople and a member of the prestigious Lodge Gold (Life Member) Club.

As an experienced salesperson I have gained a lot of personal satisfaction from dealing with my large contact base of buyers and sellers, and have enjoyed the repeat business that comes from satisfied clients.

If you entrust your home for sale with me I will make a personal commitment towards achieving the best possible result for you, the vendor.

I am always prepared to offer friendly advice and specialist knowledge of the city, so give me a call at any time.

My Awards

Gold Club

2011, 2013- 2018, 2020-2022, 2024

My current listings

I have 2 properties for sale right now

Discover the perfect place to call home from my available listings. If you don't see anything you like, give me a call today or try searching in your desired location.

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Brian Kneebone

Residential Sales Consultant

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