Lodge Salesperson
About Brooke Rout
In my role as sales assistant to Patrick Lennan, it is truly a pleasure to connect with you as you embark on your journey to buy or sell property in Hamilton.
Real Estate runs deep in my family – my grandfather was a top real estate agent, and I've been inspired by many relatives who've found success in this field.
My journey in Real Estate administration within Lodge has sharpened my attention to detail and given me invaluable insights into what it takes to achieve outstanding results. Transitioning to sales full-time after securing my Real Estate license in my early 20s was a significant milestone for me, fueled by the encouragement of many influential mentors.
What sets me apart is my genuine commitment to listening. I want to understand your must haves, your dreams, and your long-term goals. Your priorities shape my approach, and your satisfaction is my ultimate goal. By staying attuned to your needs and the pulse of the market, whether it's through one on one conversations or insights gathered at open homes, I can tailor strategies that resonate with potential buyers or sellers.
With our knowledge, experience and enthusiastic personalities I am confident that Patrick and myself can help you achieve your Real Estate goals and get you the best outcome.
Give us a call anytime, we are excited to start this journey with you.

Introducing Team Patrick Lennan
Team ProfileMy latest sales
My Recent Successes
Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.
My current listings
I have 4 properties for sale right now
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My Next Open Homes
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