Lodge Salesperson
About Debbie Prime
“PRIME Property Deserves a PRIME Sales Person” Real Estate is my passion! And with over 15 years in the industry I still love that feeling of being able to negotiate and achieve the best possible result for my clients either buying or selling.
I provide a personalised, boutique-style service, and I have been honoured with most of my clients being lifelong clients. By putting the sale of your property in my hands, you are ensuring a personal and positive sales result.
I offer my extensive knowledge, experience, and expertise of the property market both within Hamilton City and surrounding Lifestyle Areas, along with the knowledge and confidence that I am supported by Lodge Real Estate as one of Hamilton’s largest, most respected, and longest-serving companies of no less than 50 years within the Waikato.
As a born and bred local Matangi, Hamiltonian, and with an earlier 25 year career in Hospitality Management, professionalism, high standards and service has always been in the forefront of whatever I set out to achieve.
The benefits of listing your property with me.
I am an expert negotiator – and can effectively negotiate the maximum possible return for your property.
My in-depth knowledge of the city, suburbs, and surrounding lifestyle areas.
With an eye for detail, I will assist you in presenting and featuring your property at its best to enable you to achieve a premium result.
My commitment to you:
I will do my best to exceed your expectations and make the process of buying and selling your property as stress-free as possible.
To use my sales and marketing skills to negotiate and achieve the best results.
To bring energy and enthusiasm in my approach to deliver your desired outcome.
I am excited and look forward to working alongside you to achieve your property dreams.
If you are looking for a real estate agent that is wholeheartedly dedicated to you, honest, professional, and willing to go the extra mile, give me a call!
My Awards

Gold Club
2013, 2016 , 2017

100 Million in Sales

My latest sales
My Recent Successes
Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.
My current listings
I have 4 properties for sale right now
Discover the perfect place to call home from my available listings. If you don't see anything you like, give me a call today or try searching in your desired location.

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Let's talk
Ask me about the best way to get top dollar for your property in the current market.