Donna Southwick
Residential and Lifestyle Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Donna Southwick

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As at 10/03/25

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Donna brings a wealth of experience from diverse roles in counselling, therapy, coaching, administration, and sales. With a passion for people and a commitment to achieving optimal outcomes for both vendors and purchasers, Donna offers a purposeful, well-researched approach supported by a strong local brand and systems.

With over 35 years residence in Hamilton, Donna has been an active participant in the city's evolution into a vibrant hub offering abundant opportunities while maintaining a balance between urban development and rural charm. She understands the intricacies of the local real estate market, making her an invaluable asset for clients seeking properties in New Zealand's fastest-growing city.

Donna believes that real estate transcends mere transactions; it's about fostering lasting relationships grounded in trust and confidence. She is committed to guiding clients through every step of their real estate journey, ensuring their needs are met with integrity and professionalism.

Donna collaborates closely with Sue Hall, forming a dynamic team recognised for their longevity and commitment to excellence. Together, they prioritise client satisfaction, earning a reputation built on repeat business and referrals.

Whether you're buying or selling property in Hamilton and the surrounding Waikato towns, Donna offers her extensive skills and experience to facilitate a seamless and rewarding experience. Trust Donna to navigate the complexities of the real estate market and achieve your goals with confidence.

For all your Hamilton and Waikato real estate needs, reach out to Donna today. Let her expertise and dedication work for you, ensuring a successful outcome tailored to your unique requirements.

Introducing Team Sue Hall

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My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • Sue and her team efficiency was remarkable.

    They expedited the paperwork and coordinated viewings effectively, leading to a quick sale. Their proactive approach was evident when they organized an open house that attracted multiple offers. Very supportive and helped us make the right decision. We have bought and sold 2 houses with them. Highly recommend

    Gurpreet Sidhu & Jasneet

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Donna Southwick

Residential and Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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