Ethan Song
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Ethan Song

Recent Successes

My Sales

On the Market

As at 27/12/24

My Listings

It’s great to be able to introduce myself, Ethan Song, to you.
I value your business, and I want to work hard on your behalf to sell or buy your next residential property in Hamilton.
My goal is to make you feel as if I’m 100 percent dedicated to your needs: Expect me to market your house as if it’s the only one in Hamilton ‘for sale’, or to show you new listings that fit your criteria to give you the ‘inside-running’.

You can also expect me to respond to your calls, keep you up-to-date with all progress, and share with you all the data/information I have to help you make informed decisions.
Hamilton property, and its economy and lifestyle in general, is in the middle of an exciting growth phase – and if you’re lucky enough to be setting yourself up for sale or purchase of a home (for either personal or business reasons), I’m your man.

I specialise in growing and maintaining an extensive client and contacts list, and my depth of knowledge of individual needs and wants within that list helps me target different subsets of customers according to their criteria and requirements. Should you list with me, I will immediately communicate with people who are ‘most-likely to buy’ according to your home’s location, features, size, and price point.
I have the backing of excellent tools, colleagues, and contacts within the Lodge business, and, should you list to sell, I’ll market the best features of your home via mainstream and social media. After we meet to discuss your situation and ideals, we’ll then work on a detailed marketing plan and sales strategy, marking out our roadmap toward the closure of the deal.
Should you be in the market to buy, I’ll keep you briefed on the best properties that fit your criteria. I know your time is precious and that you have specific non-negotiables that need to be met; at the same time, it’s my job to think laterally and make suggestions and recommendations to get you what you’re after. I’ll work tirelessly to get you involved in the market, and I’ll make sure all details are covered to ensure the deal is done.

In terms of background, I have a number of years' experience as a project economist, quantity surveyor, project administrator, carpenter, and salesperson. In my spare time, I enjoy playing badminton and football, and I also take a keen interest in photography and roller-skating.

I regard myself as honest, patient, and good with details. Real estate is my perfect vocation due to my interest and passion for homes, and the wealth creation and financial security they offer to so many.
Let me help you with your next move. Let’s get started today – give me a call or email now – it’s a simple but potentially significant step, but there’s chance it’ll result in one of life’s biggest decisions!

My latest sales

My Recent Successes

Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.

My current listings

I have 1 property for sale right now

Discover the perfect place to call home from my available listings. If you don't see anything you like, give me a call today or try searching in your desired location.

My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • Excellent! Ethan has been helping us find our dream house for the past several months, he is proactive, detail-focused and knows exactly what we want. He has been a great help throughout the entire process, we are lucky to have him as our agent.


  • Highly recommend Ethan as he provided helpful information and amazing service. He is very professional, always keep us updated so we won't miss anything, replies promptly, very impressed.


  • Ethan did help us a lot during this time. He knew our needs and recommended the houses meet our needs. During the negotiation period, he suited our working hours and had a good communication with us. Thank you for his help and kindness.


  • Highly recommend him, transparent and very rational person to deal with. Excellent advice and support .


  • Ethan is a very dedicated agent, works very hard. A very good communicator who never gives up.


  • Excellent Market knowledge with a proactive information receiving and updating - Timely and thoughtful communication - Demonstrate great professionalism in way of providing good customer service in a professional manner.

    Kailing Li

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Ethan Song

Residential Sales Consultant

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