Gemma Lewell
Rototuna Branch Manager - Residential & Lifestyle Salesperson

Lodge Salesperson

About Gemma Lewell

Recent Successes

My Sales

On the Market

As at 22/12/24

My Listings

Selling a home anywhere in Hamilton and the surrounds? Looking for the best possible result and an enjoyable, hassle-free experience?

Gemma has forged a reputation of working tirelessly for her clients, leaving no stone unturned to achieve you the very best result possible.

The epitome of organisation and personal client care and attention, Gemma’s passion has always been delivering superior customer service. A highly efficient communicator, she provides regular updates so no one is ever left second guessing where things are at.

The value Gemma’s clients place on her high level of expertise, consummate professionalism and outstanding results is reflected in the fact that she won “Rookie of The Year” in her first year in real estate and has received numerous other awards since.

Gemma is a strong advocate for superior marketing strategies and embraces the efficacy of technology and social media, all of which are now essential to achieve a premium result. She will prepare a comprehensive marketing plan to debut your property on the market with maximum impact – from professionally produced “hero shots”, an enticing script to “sell the sizzle”, high-quality print and internet marketing, through to open homes, buyer follow-up and negotiation to secure a successful sale.

With many years of real estate experience, Gemma has seen it all before. Whether the market is skyrocketing, slumping or in a tumultuous spin she can quickly pinpoint the best strategy to ensure your sale has a fantastic outcome.

Just how fantastic? Gemma’s results speak for themselves; the mainstay of her business is past clients returning for more and who regularly refer friends and family. Many clients have become friends.

Her service is always delivered with warmth and a contagious smile. This combination of professionalism and personality quickly sets at ease anyone nervous about the enormity of selling a home.

If you’re thinking of selling or buying, get in touch with Gemma today for a friendly, no obligation chat about your needs, or to ask for a free estimate of how much your home is worth.

My Awards

Gold Club

2017 - 2019

My current listings

I have 1 property for sale right now

Discover the perfect place to call home from my available listings. If you don't see anything you like, give me a call today or try searching in your desired location.

My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • Gemma was great from day one couldn’t be happier.

    It was difficult for us as we had a relation renting the property at the time. Gemma has people skills and managed the situation in a professional manner. I would certainly recommend Gemma to anyone wishing to sell or buy.

    Michael Mulhern

  • Fantastic Result

    We purchased our home off Gemma 12 years ago, so it was really cool for Gemma to be able to sell our house again. It was such as easy process with Gemma who explained and guided us through the process, we were on the same page really quickly. Gemma's knowledge of the area and market was incredibly accurate, we also enjoyed the amazing communication through the open homes and private viewings. Gemma was very encouraging and complimentary of the efforts that we put into preparing our home for sale. I would not hesitate to have a chat with Gemma if you are selling your property.

    Pete & Bridgette Dewar

  • Expert Guidance and Exceptional Service: Highly Recommend!!

    We have recently had the pleasure of working with Gemma with buying our first rental property. It's not the first time we have worked with her and she continues to exceed our expectations. Gemma's extensive knowledge of the market was invaluable and her communication skills were amazing making the whole process seamless. It's clear that she works incredibly hard for her clients always going the extra mile. We highly recommend her to anyone that is looking to buy or sell a home, you won't be disappointed.

    Sarah and Simon Evans

  • Awesome communication!

    Gemma's appraisal was extremely close to what she got us. The steady stream of communication has been superb and is definitely reason alone to use Gemma to sell.

    Richard & Rosalie Voschezang

  • Very professional, helpful and great to deal with.

    We found Gemma to be very professional and she always responded promptly to any messages or requests.

    Ian & On Turner

  • Great result

    Gemma is very knowledgeable and helped us sell our home quick and for a good price. Communicates very well and has good advice. Would recommend to others.

    Jeremy & Debby Thomas

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Gemma Lewell

Rototuna Branch Manager - Residential & Lifestyle Salesperson

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