Greg Hugill
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Greg Hugill

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On the Market

As at 13/03/25

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Most local agents can sell your property. However the ability to find the single buyer who will pay the highest premium is what separates a great agent from an average one. I recognize that my single, most important responsibility to you is to achieve the best possible price with the least amount of stress and that your needs and concerns are the number one priority.

I offer an obligation free appraisal, backed up by the latest sales figures. If you like, I can also offer suggestions on what can be done to your property to maximize its potential. I have a group of trades people for those small jobs including a painter and Home Staging company that I would be happy to recommend should you need them.

Please contact me anytime.

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Please join me at our upcoming open houses, where you can explore and ask questions. Check out our open house schedule and find the time that works best for you.

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My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • We have known and worked with Greg Hugill for approximately five years, in our capacity as the then managers of The Sanctuary gated housing complex in Rototuna, Hamilton. Over that period Greg sold numerous properties within the 107 house complex, and was the “go to” agent for the majority of owners. Greg was always a pleasure to deal with. He was honest, very professional and well researched, in his dealings with both buyers and sellers. He has an excellent understanding of how the complex and the governing Body Corporate works. As managers of the complex we had no hesitation in recommending Greg to prospective buyers or vendors. We regularly got excellent positive feedback from both buyers and sellers, testifying as to Greg’s professionalism, warm manner and market knowledge. Feb 2017 - Jan 2022

    Robyn and Terry West

  • Greg was incredibly easy to deal with. Highly professional and responsive. He listened, understood our needs and provided us with genuine feedback when asked. Even after settlement, Greg did not hesitate to resolve an unforeseen issue that presented itself. We could not recommend Greg more highly.

    Peter and Raewyn

  • Greg was fantastic in selling our investment property. Greg kept us informed every step of the way and was always available when we rang. He is professional, has great attention to detail and knowledge of the market. But what really sets Greg apart is his understanding that buying and selling can be stressful and he goes out of his way to make everyone feel comfortable and valued. I would highly recommend Greg to anyone.

    Warwick and Kelly

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Greg Hugill

Residential Sales Consultant

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