Jack Collins
Selling with Glenn & Sonia

Lodge Salesperson

About Jack Collins

Recent Successes

My Sales

• Highly-responsive.
• Energy and enthusiasm.
• Polite and honest.
• Young professional.

If the above is what you’re after in a real-estate agent, give me the chance to prove my point and the opportunity to deliver to your high expectations.

I want your business and I won’t stop until settlement date; I have no doubt settlement day will mark a new phase in your life, and I’ll be with you all the way.

If you’re in the process of deciding to sell, I understand how much thought and consideration is taking place as you contemplate your next move. Some sellers need to move on quickly, some will have the luxury of taking their time. Motivations to sell are wide and varied, so that’s why I’ll be keen to meet with you to discuss your circumstances, and work out the best way to attack the sale.

Together, we’ll work on a plan that will involve marketing to an audience of highly-motivated buyers, accentuating the key aspects of the property to support the price you’re after. Competition among target-buyers is a crucial selling point, but so too is the ability of an agent to communicate effectively – at the right time, with the right tone, and to the right people.

Buyers are my bread-and-butter, and, put simply, I regard everyone as a potential buyer: Given the right property and a strong motive, who doesn’t want the chance to improve their wealth or family- lifestyle through a smart real estate choice?

Some people are actively looking for their next place, and this is usually my focus. However, I’m mindful others are always on the look-out, or dipping their toes in, and they too need looking after. By far the biggest potential market of buyers don’t know they’re in the market (yet!); part of my job is to find them a compelling case to buy, and, who knows – your property could be their dream!

I’m constantly working on my local-agent profile, as well as my personal network of contacts to build a database of buyers with a difference. My list of buyers are carefully categorised, so if the right property comes up, I’ll seek to match it to a list of go-to criteria.

Hamilton is an exciting city that is maturing in many central suburbs, and growing fast in many others. The number of hidden gems and stand-out opportunities never ceases to amaze me. It’s a good time to buy and sell because the city is located at the apex of the ‘golden triangle’ (Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga) and it continues to evolve economically (supported by a sound roading and transport infrastructures, and strong education, technology, and agricultural sectors).

I enjoy helping people and look forward to helping my clients achieve their residential housing goals. My commitment is to offer reliable, timely, service. I am persistent, determined, and loyal, and want to feel rewarded in my work by helping others achieve a happy outcome.

I’ll work hard for you. Give me a call today and let’s work toward fulfilling all your property needs by creating a home that your family can enjoy, and/or that could help grow your personal wealth.

My latest sales

My Recent Successes

Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.

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Jack Collins

Selling with Glenn & Sonia

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