Lodge Salesperson
About Jason Young
In his first year in real estate Jason Young recorded the most sales of any new Lodge agent that year, and has succeeded in the market ever since. Self employed for most of his career, with 10 years as the owner of an importing company from Asia, Jason brings an entreprenurial spirit to real estate that translates into creative strategies and great results. Jason knows the art of marketing and advertising, and lends 25 years of experience to his clients to help them achieve their property objectives. By keeping the number of his listings to a manageable level and really listening to his clients, Jason provides an attentive service that gets results. He prides himself on ensuring each client receives the care and focus they deserve. A third generation Hamiltonian, Jason has owned and built several properties in the city. Jason is a family man who counts raising his four children as his greatest personal achievement.
My Awards

Gold Club

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See All My Open HomesSunday
16 Mar
2:00PM - 2:30PM

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