Jayde Timmins
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Jayde Timmins

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On the Market

As at 13/03/25

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As a dedicated real estate agent, I believe that great service goes beyond simply meeting expectations. It’s about anticipating needs, forging personal connections, and providing genuine care. With every client interaction, I strive to transform a simple transaction into a memorable experience, defined by a warm smile and thoughtful gestures.

My commitment to my career is centred around understanding the unique needs and goals of my clients. I offer personalised service at every step of the process, ensuring you feel confident and reassured in one of life's most significant investments. 

Whether you're buying or selling, I am your trusted partner, dedicated to making your real estate journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible. But don’t just take my word for it! You’ll see from my testimonials that I deliver as promised. 

I am excited to bring my energy and dedication to the vibrant world of real estate. Get in touch today and let me help make your next move a success.

My current listings

I have 1 property for sale right now

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My Next Open Homes

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Jayde Timmins Profile

Jayde Timmins

Residential Sales Consultant

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