Jenny Chappell
Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Jenny Chappell

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On the Market

As at 12/03/25

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I have 20 years experience as a residential salesperson at Lodge Real Estate. A large part of my business is repeat clients and referrals. An expert in evidence-based appraisals, I ensure the best results for my clients, whether buying or selling. Having spent most of my life in Hamilton, I have well-established networks throughout the city.

I have spent several years working overseas in South Africa, Austria, Britain and Australia. I have also travelled Asia, Africa, and Europe.

I come from a rural background and at present my family and I enjoy living in central Hamilton.


Lodge Gold Club member

My Awards

Gold Club

2014, 2016

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Jenny Chappell

Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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