Lodge Salesperson
About John Gavin
Living in Livingstone, Western Heights, The Dales, and now Saint Andrews over the past 30 years has given John a great appreciation of the western market he specializes in.
Over the past 22 years he has sold over 100 million worth of real estate. John has been recognised by the company with admission into the Lodge Gold Club, the elite Ruby Club, Most Improved salesperson and just recently the Managers Choice award.
John's keen interest in his community means he volunteers for a number of sporting and community groups, these include the Western Community Centre where Lodge supplies a large tent for the day, Beerescourt Sports Park Assoc (Indoor, Outdoor Bowls and Tennis). Beerescourt Indoor Bowls and Hamilton Indoor Bowls.
John's a keen gardener with a love for this vegetable patch which he always has an over-supply of silverbeet, fruit and citrus, it's amazing what you can plant on a small section.
John's previous career in a garden centre gives his clients a unique opportunity to maximise the value of their property.
"FIRST IMPRESSIONS" count explains John. Often this can be as simple as cleaning up the front entrance, a new assortment of pots with colourful flowering plants in, a fresh-cut lawn to give those buyers a WOW sensation at the front door of their home. PRESENTATION is the key to selling your home.
John is 100% committed to assisting you and your families to obtain your goals smoothly and successfully.

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Both John Gavin and Paul Conway were very thorough and professional when working through the sale of our property. Even after we had a signed agreement they were keen to continue open homes. Thanks for a job well done!
Brian & Marilyn Dale
John has done an excellent job, really looking after us and the vacant property (clearing the mail, spraying weeds, being onsite for tradies etc . ) Please pass on to the manager what a credit he is to Lodge Real Estate. He really has gone the extra mile for us. We have been really impressed by him.
Our Agent John Gavin. Great knowledge and very honest.
Shaun & Jenny
Rated 10/10"All the advice from John Gavin"
Alex and Shirley
John our agent was very proactive and got the job done on a tricky sale.
Kevin and Lindsay

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