John Heskett
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About John Heskett

Recent Successes

My Sales

With a lifelong connection to Hamilton and a deep-rooted understanding of its community, I bring a wealth of sales experience driven by energy and passion. Having lived in Hamilton for most of my life, I am well-acquainted with the local market and its unique characteristics, allowing me to provide clients with tailored advice and insights.

Holding a Bachelor of Applied Management, I have gained valuable experience through starting and successfully running three businesses over the past 10 years. These ventures have sharpened my skills in negotiation, sales, and communication, while deepening my understanding of market dynamics, strategic planning, and client relations—essential tools for success in the real estate market.

I am dedicated to providing clients with clear, transparent communication and guiding them through the complexities of real estate with integrity and confidence. By leveraging my negotiation expertise and sales experience, I aim to deliver exceptional value and foster positive, lasting experiences.

In every interaction, my goal is to make the real estate process as stress-free and efficient as possible, empowering clients to make informed decisions with peace of mind.

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John Heskett

Residential Sales Consultant

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