Lodge Salesperson
About Leah Gordon
Since joining the Lodge Real Estate team in 2005, Leah has proven that selling property is a career well suited to her personality and skills. Leah is an experienced sales professional and is the Branch Manager of Lodge Real Estate City Office leading an outstanding team of salespeople.
Selling Real Estate is about focusing on the needs of people and being able to provide a service which is sharp and professional. Communication is a key skill contributing to Leah’s success in real estate and ensures the ability to quickly determine the needs of her clients in order to achieve their real estate goals. She offers a positive, high energy commitment to her clients through excellent market knowledge, proven negotiation skills and sharp systems & processes which deliver results.
Along with selling real estate throughout Hamilton, Leah was the exclusive salesperson chosen to market the BUPA St Andrews Retirement Village in Delamare Road, Hamilton from 2017- 2019.
She is the preferred salesperson for the Perrinpark Lifestyle Village, Te Kowhai, a role which she has had since 2018 - a modern sales professional who cares about standards and values - working for you and your family.
My Awards

Gold Club
2011, 2013-2018, 2021

My latest sales
My Recent Successes
Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.
My current listings
I have 3 properties for sale right now
Discover the perfect place to call home from my available listings. If you don't see anything you like, give me a call today or try searching in your desired location.
My Next Open Homes
Say hello at one of my next open homes
Please join me at our upcoming open houses, where you can explore and ask questions. Check out our open house schedule and find the time that works best for you.
See All My Open Homes2 Pukeko Place, Te Kowhai
Lifestyle Village Living - Perrinpark
6 Mar
12:00PM - 1:00PM
6 Mar
12:00PM - 1:00PM
My Testimonials
Kind words from my happy clients
Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.
We had not bought or sold a house in over 20 years and so we felt rather green entering the market. However, Leah Gordon's professional knowledge and personal touch was spot on. She told us to trust the process and because we trusted her, we did just that - trusted the process that Lodge Real Estate is renowned for. Great result by an awesome agent.
Terry and Paula Playle

Let's talk
Ask me about the best way to get top dollar for your property in the current market.