Lodge Salesperson
About Linda Chen
Linda Chen is a natural- born people person who loves helping you find your perfect home. Linda is motivated and enthusiastic to ensure your property goals will be fulfilled to the highest degree.
Linda's top-level selling skills were honed in the competitive IT accounting markets in Beijing, China. Her excellent communication, attention to detail and an eye for creative marketing strategies are just some of the benefits that you will enjoy when you enlist Linda’s service.
Linda works very hard as evident from her years of work experience and her education degrees including; A Degree of Accountancy and Finance in China and Postgraduate degree in Health Science in New Zealand. Linda uses the necessary knowledge and skills she has gained to provide a personal and unique high quality service for her customers.
Linda knows why people are flocking to own homes in this slice of paradise, New Zealand. She is a home owner herself and currently lives in Hillcrest. She likes supporting the local kiwi community and as a founder and chairperson of a charitable organisation. Linda is committed to housing projects that will help the local people and family in the future.
When buying and selling property enlist a trustworthy, reliable and diligent sales professional, call Linda today.

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I have 1 property for sale right now
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