Lodge Salesperson
About Manu Nahna
Manu joined Lodge in 1992 and quickly rose to be one of the companies most successful and most liked salespeople. In 1998, 2003 and 2004 he was the number one salesperson for the company and has consistently been amongst the top five salespeople for Lodge.
Manu has received numerous company awards and also been recognised in the Waikato Bay of Plenty Real Estate Awards.
His relaxed and empathetic manner coupled with his enthusiasm for people has built a loyal client following. Perhaps this is why most of Manu's business is repeat or referred to him by past clients.
My Awards

Gold Club
2011, 2013, 2014, 2016-2018, 2020

My latest sales
My Recent Successes
Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.
My current listings
I have 6 properties for sale right now
Discover the perfect place to call home from my available listings. If you don't see anything you like, give me a call today or try searching in your desired location.
My Testimonials
Kind words from my happy clients
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Easy to deal with. Great agent in Manu.

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