Lodge Salesperson
About Matthew Talapati
Hi, it’s a pleasure to introduce myself, Matthew Talapati, to you, and I trust we’ll be able to work well together to get our green ‘sold’ sticker slapped up in no-time.
I love the opportunities that residential real estate offers, it energises me and it’s incredibly rewarding because it tends to represent new, exciting, beginnings: Starting a new phase in life, fulfilling long-term goals, or helping make a dream retirement come true – it’s simply good to be a part of that.
I’m a dedicated Christian, so bring many of the values of my faith to the table, including honesty, loyalty, integrity, and self-assurance.
I’m also a Dad to two growing children, as well as a husband, so like to think I have empathy for anyone seeking to establish solid foundations for their future through property – whether that be purchase of a family home or a rental/investment.
Buying or selling, I’m hungry for work and I’ll take great delight in chasing up sales and purchases all day, and into many nights, on your behalf. I’ll strongly advocate for you, and, being the proud salesman I am, I’ll use my strong negotiation skills to get the win-win result everyone is after.
I’m confident my seven years’ banking experience has sharpened my customer service focus, because it’s given me a great appreciation for the various backgrounds people come from and the different scenarios people within our communities face. Customer service often comes down to ‘problem-solving’ and it’s here that I believe I can excel in my career.
My plan is fairly simple and straight-forward. If you’re selling, I’ll want to meet with you face-to-face, and listen to your motives and wishes for your property, as well as hear your thoughts on several marketing plans I’ll want to propose.
We’ll then draft up a sales or marketing plan, and once agreed, I’ll take responsibility for putting that in motion, before taking charge of any necessary negotiation and following through with details of the sale and purchase agreement. I want to hear the ‘WOW!’ moment, and I want to see a smile on your face.
If you’re buying, I’ll come up with a list of potential homes that fit your criteria before we decide on short-list to view within an agreed timeframe. The formal purchase agreement, and what it represents, is our ultimate prize and that will remain our focus until you’re satisfied.
Selling or buying, communication is an integral part of customer service – so I’ll be sure to find out your preferred method of staying in-touch, and this of course might depend on the nature of the message.
Give me a call today, and let’s get started.

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