Michelle Pickering
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Michelle Pickering

Recent Successes

My Sales

On the Market

As at 10/03/25

My Listings

Hi, I’m Michelle Pickering and it’s both a privilege and thrill to have you consider me as your preferred real estate agent, as you begin the exciting process of buying or selling your home.

By appointing me as your agent means you’re putting your trust and faith in me, and rest-assured this is a responsibility I take seriously.

My commitment to my clients is to provide an honest, caring, professional service that I would expect myself. I will work hard to get you the result you’re after while making sure the process is as stress free as possible.

My first step will be to meet with you to gain an understanding of where you are at, your motives and your desired outcome so that I can implement the right marketing plan to get your house sold (and/or your new home purchased). I’ll draw on a wide database of investors and other home buyers ‘in-the-market’, as well as utilising both mass marketing and social media tools.

Hamilton has been my hometown since returning from extensive travel abroad. Having raised three children in Hamilton I have a sound knowledge of schooling, recreational areas and what this amazing city has to offer.

Give me a call today, I would love to help you with your next move.

My Awards

Gold Club


My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • Thank you Michelle for our recent House purchase in Rototuna, Michelle went the extra mile for us and had fantastic communication skills combined with an awesome work ethic, we are very happy with our new House and Michelle paid a huge part in us securing the property after 11 offers were made on it. We would have no hesitations in recommending Michelle as your real-estate agent Best regards.

    Keith & Leah

  • My husband and I were both a bit nervous about selling our house and finding the right agent to do the job. After meeting Michelle we knew we'd found the right person for us. Her positive demeanor always reassured us and she made things relatable and easy to understand. She was always smiling and made us feel relaxed and comfortable with the process whilst also getting the job done. I would recommend Michelle to anyone who is looking at buying or selling.

    Kris and Alyse

  • Michelle supported my wife and I during our recent search for a new family home in North Hamilton. During the course of our property search Michelle provided considerable support with her professional advice based not only on her knowledge of the Hamilton market but also her practical knowledge of what a family needs.  She went above and beyond our expectations to meet our needs with her positive mindset and her practical visions of properties that we initially considered unsuitable. I would not hesitate to recommend Michelle to anyone looking to purchase a property and would also enlist her to help support the sale of a Property.

    Brent and Nicola Main

  • I want to thank Michelle for her support in our house hunting.  We were not easy to please and had a list of non- negotiable’s - the house Michelle found for us ended up ticking nearly every box.Michelle was our cheering section, she got us through the extended wait due to the Covid-19 lockdown, kept us informed and up to date on the legalities of lockdown and was instantly on board when we were told the move could go ahead. We would recommend her and if we ever feel compelled to move again! we would use her services again. Thank you Michelle.

    Maureen Stewart and Pip Stewart.

  • For an enthusiastic, friendly, motivated agent, we highly recommend Michelle. When informed of our intended purchase price range, all properties presented were realistic. This gave us confidence we would find what we wanted, which we did.Michelle always answered or returned calls and suited visits around our needs.Our go to agent for another purchase.

    Dave and Glenda

  • Here’s a few words/phrases I would use to describe Michelle. Friendly, thorough, very helpful and great at answering all my questions and requests. Best wishes Michelle!


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Michelle Pickering

Residential Sales Consultant

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