Lodge Salesperson
About Neil Archer
Since joining the industry in 2013, Neil has spent more than a decade honing his craft and refining his approach. A career that commenced with a wealth of practical knowledge born from his 20-year period in the building industry, you can rest assured that no one knows property or Hamilton like he does.
A people-person at heart, Neil is client focused in his approach. With a love for one-on-one conversations and face-to-face with clients, building lasting relationships & stress-free dealings are what he is known for. Providing a skill set ranging from multi-million-dollar homes to entry-level investments, no matter how big or small, he has you sorted.
An old-school pen-and-paper person at heart, Neil brings a powerful combination of old-fashioned service and new-age thinking along with the backing of the Lodge Team to the table.
My Awards

Gold Club
2016, 2017, 2019-2022

My latest sales
My Recent Successes
Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.
My current listings
I have 3 properties for sale right now
Discover the perfect place to call home from my available listings. If you don't see anything you like, give me a call today or try searching in your desired location.

Let's talk
Ask me about the best way to get top dollar for your property in the current market.