Patrick Lennan
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Patrick Lennan

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As at 12/03/25

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There’s a certain warmth that Patrick has about him. It potentially stems from his successful career in hairdressing, where he spent 45 years working with people in his salons, hairdressing school, and retail outlets. But many will tell you that he’s always carried a wholehearted enthusiasm. “I love celebrating life at any chance I get”, he says. And it’s this very spirit that he’s carried into the world of real estate.

Patrick entered the industry alongside his brother. While property was quite a change from the hair and beauty industry, he couldn’t have felt more comfortable – a testament to his love for connecting with people. The making of Team Patrick came after his brother moved into the Lodge management team. At the time, Patrick wanted to continue as an agent, but not alone. He believes that success in real estate lies in group efforts, as you get a combination of strengths, ideas, and perspectives. So, banding together with a team of talented realtors, Patrick established something rather special; a good-humoured team that’s devoted to helping others.

As the lead agent, it’s his ambition to create a fun experience for vendors and buyers that also generates the very best possible results. And outside of work, he’s just as high spirited. Patrick met his partner late in life, and they’ve been making the most of every day since. Whether entertaining friends in their home or exploring Aotearoa, not a moment is taken for granted.

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Gold Club


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Patrick Lennan

Residential Sales Consultant

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