Lodge Salesperson
About Paul Pomeroy
Paul is a highly motivated person who gains personal satisfaction from assisting his clients to achieve the goals they have set themselves and their families when buying or selling property.
Paul has worked in real estate for over 15 years and has acquired expertise in sales, marketing and negotiation. He has a focused approach to his real estate career and believes in giving his best for his clients when selling their properties and when acting for them when they are buying.
Paul enjoys working with people and quickly establishes a rapport with them. Paul is an ethical person who strives for the highest standards in all he does.
So whether you are buying or selling contact Paul now and you can be assured he will give you 100 per cent of his time and effort.
My Awards
Gold Club
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My Recent Successes
Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.
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I have 2 properties for sale right now
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My Testimonials
Kind words from my happy clients
Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.
I have found Paul Pomeroy to be of excellent character. He sold my property and was always patient and consulting with me on value and price. At all times he listened to my wishes politely and kindly, offering valuable and wise suggestions. He stayed on course constantly encouraging me, knowing I was going through a very difficult personal journey during that time. I am very thankful he succeeded not only in selling my home at a time when the market was very low, but also recognized exactly the right property for me to buy. A wonderful find. I have only praise for Paul’s integrity and stickability.”
Pam van Buuren
I just wanted to send you a quick “Thank you“ for the awesome job you did on getting a timely sale on our Hamilton house. We are now enjoying the countryside! Thanks heaps for your very friendly and professional care.
Helen Haakma
Paul Pomeroy removed all the potential stress during the search and subsequent purchase of our new home. He was always available and we highly recommend him as an experienced, friendly and professional agent
Amanda Bean
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