Lodge Salesperson
About Raghav Nakra
No. 1 at Lodge for 20 years
Sales in excess of $1.5 Billion
Hi, I’m Raghav, and I look forward to helping you buy or sell your next home.
I’ve worked hard to build a business where clients refer me to their friends, relatives, coworkers, and beyond.
I understand that selling or buying a property is a significant milestone in your life, and I’m confident I can deliver the best outcome by truly listening to and understanding your needs.
With strong business acumen—backed by qualifications in business and commerce, as well as first-hand experience in sales—I am well-equipped to guide you. Having previously managed a retail store, I’ve developed finely tuned social and interpersonal skills, which are the foundation of my listening, negotiation, and closing abilities.
If you’re looking to sell, we’ll create a unique marketing campaign tailored to your property and its specific criteria. We’re savvy with social media and will collaborate with other agents to ensure the best possible outcome while directly engaging with my active buyers.
If you're buying, we can save you time and avoid frustration by taking your Wishlist into account and shortlisting the best homes for you. We’ll assist you 100%—from viewings to submitting offers, to settlement and beyond. Our care for you doesn’t stop.
My personal values include respect for your time and wishes. I’m known for being values-driven, courteous, and polite. I take my role as your salesperson seriously, but we’ll have some fun along the way.
I love being in real estate because of the exciting opportunities it brings. I enjoy success, but I know that this is the result of hard work and my commitment to fully serving and satisfying my clients.
Let me help you. I’ll go the extra mile for you. Give me a call today.

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