Rana Himanshu
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Rana Himanshu

Recent Successes

My Sales

Your home, my priority.

For me, great service starts with listening actively to understand your unique needs and preferences. I believe in responding promptly and tailoring my approach to ensure that you receive personalized, high-quality service, every time.

As a real estate agent, I’m more than just a guide through the buying or selling process—I’m a connector. I bring you closer to the right professionals, whether it’s mortgage brokers, lawyers, or inspectors, ensuring that every step of your journey is seamless. I also stay up-to-date on market trends and insights, providing the information you need to make confident, informed decisions.

I’m especially keen on utilizing innovative technology to present your home in the best possible light. From immersive virtual tours to 3D walkthroughs, I’m excited about offering modern tools that highlight the unique features of your property. I’m also exploring AI-powered property valuations to help you get the most accurate insights. I’m committed to learning and integrating these advancements to give your home the edge it deserves.

I have a genuine passion for sales and a purpose that keeps me motivated. I’m a self-driven person who loves helping clients achieve their goals, and I’m committed to going above and beyond to make your real estate journey smooth and rewarding.

Let’s work together to make your real estate experience successful and enjoyable!

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Rana Himanshu

Residential Sales Consultant

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