Regan Timalsina
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Regan Timalsina

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On the Market

As at 09/02/25

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Hi, I’m Regan Timalsina, and as your appointed real estate agent I’m here to prioritise your best interests as we seek to sell and/or buy your Hamilton home.
It’s an exciting time to be making a move, with many opportunities throughout the city available, or about to become available!
The mantle of New Zealand’s fastest-growing city sits well, and because we’re surrounded by a solid economy and strong industry, the combined wealth of this region is bound to go from strength-to-strength in years to come.

It’s a dynamic climate. All real estate professionals worth their salt need to have their eyes open and ears-to-the-ground. As a buyer or seller in this city, your agent is going to have to be in-tune, organised, and across all detail.
Get ready for the ride, I say.
You’ll be expecting gold-standard service, and as part of that here’s what I’ll deliver:
- Personalised support: Understanding your circumstances, and helping you reach your short-term and long-term real estate goals.
- Transparent communication: Direct, honest, reliable feedback that helps answer the question ‘what now?’
- Integrity and attention to detail: I regard myself as a professional, and a big part of my business relies on word-of-mouth, trust, respect, and repeat business. I commit to being discreet, acting with honesty, and ensuring all bases are covered when securing the sale and purchase.
When we meet I’ll have done my homework: If you’re selling, I’ll be aware of what similar properties have fetched in terms of price, I’ll be aware of the surrounding suburban amenities, and I’ll have a strong sense of what ‘buttons need to be pushed’ to pique the interest of the right potential buyers.
Once I view your property in detail, it’s likely I’ll offer input and ideas about how to market and sell the property. We’ll work in a projected timeline, and put together a marketing and social media plan that will secure the sale we’re after.

If you’re in the market to buy, we’ll be the early-birds. But I’ll want to know what kind of buyer you are – because early-birds come in all shapes and sizes, and depending on this, they sing to different song sheets! First-home buyers, investors, empty-nesters, young families, urban singles/couples, etc.; categories of buyers have different, but very specific, needs.
However, needs can quickly evolve – so it’s a matter of balance between buying what’s right and setting you up well for the next step on the ladder – whenever that time may come!
I’m dedicated to delivering exceptional service and results, tailored to unique needs and goals.
You will find me highly-motivated and engaged, warm, and friendly.

So let’s take flight. Give me a call today.

My latest sales

My Recent Successes

Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.

My current listings

I have 1 property for sale right now

Discover the perfect place to call home from my available listings. If you don't see anything you like, give me a call today or try searching in your desired location.

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Regan Timalsina

Residential Sales Consultant

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