Sam Ghanghas
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Sam Ghanghas

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Real estate is about more than just properties to me—it's about helping people build their futures, create lasting memories and achieve their dreams. It's about guiding my clients through life-changing decisions with care, trust, and transparency.
I believe in authenticity, hard work, and treating everyone with respect and kindness. Communication is key, and I make it my priority to listen and respond clearly, ensuring that you feel heard and understood. I’m passionate about delivering tailored solutions and being available whenever you need me, making your success and happiness my top priority.
What sets me apart is my approach to every interaction: a genuine focus on building relationships, understanding your unique goals, and offering proactive, detailed solutions. I take the time to listen, which allows me to anticipate challenges and guide you through a seamless, personalized experience. My dedication to going above and beyond ensures that each transaction exceeds expectations.
Success comes from a combination of hard work, adaptability, and a relentless focus on delivering value. Every detail matters, and by staying focused on providing the best outcomes, I’ll help you navigate the complexities of real estate with confidence.
Working with Lodge gives me access to the vast network and resources of Hamilton’s market leaders, further enhancing my ability to serve you with exceptional support. Whether you're buying, selling, or looking for advice, my goal is always the same: to help you turn your real estate dreams into reality.

Sam Ghanghas profile

Sam Ghanghas

Residential Sales Consultant

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