Lodge Salesperson
About Sherry Zhan
Hello, I'm Sherry, and as your appointed real estate agent I'm dedicated to meeting your property needs in Hamilton.
I have more than 55,000 engaged followers on various social media platforms, including Tik-Tok and WeChat. This following allows me to regularly keep in-touch with a wide-ranging potential audience, which is likely to contain previously untapped buyers and sellers.
I align myself to a number of values, the core of which are reliability, trustworthiness, and friendliness. Clear communication and quick problem-solving are essential in my work, and I strive to deliver first-class service on these fronts. I'm always willing to go the extra mile to ensure my clients have successful transactions.
I'm proud to be a part of Jasmeet Singh's team member at Lodge Real Estate.
We are a team of sales specialists committed to providing you with the skills, service, and expertise you need to handle the sale of your largest asset. As a team, we work closely with you to listen to your expectations and accomplish your goals. Negotiating skills are part of our DNA.
Buying or selling properties, we can sell and we are good at it.
Introducing Team Jasmeet
Team ProfileMy latest sales
My Recent Successes
Take a look at my recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals I've closed and the range of homes I've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with me today to find out how I can help.
My current listings
I have 9 properties for sale right now
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My Testimonials
Kind words from my happy clients
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Sherry是一个热情和有耐心的好agent 我们非常幸运能遇到了Sherry,你的专业性和城实性让我们非常的信任你,你总是耐心的解答我们的疑问;给我们提供专业的建议和指导,你对我们的需求也非常的了解,感谢你的专业服务和耐心的指导,让我们顺利的找到了理想的房子!Verified by RateMyAgent
Xueyan Huang
Awesome Sherry!!!Meeting Sherry for a first time was like a family reunion. Seems like we knew her from the moment we met her. She’s straightforward, reassuring, honest, and willing to help. She supported us all throughtout our journey finding the right place for us. She treated us as a family not as a customer. She’s really is a superwoman!!! Highly recommended! Thanks Sherry for being part of our dream and prayer came true…Verified by RateMyAgent
Antonio Garais JR and Jo Sallynne Garais
Once Again Thank you Sherry A dedicated and knowledgeable real estate agent committed to finding your perfect home. I truly appreciate her responsiveness, as she always made time for my questions and concerns. I highly recommend her services to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient real estate partner. Verified by RateMyAgent
Arun Bhadran & Sneha Arun Bhadran
Great result. Brought through several buyers and achieved good result with quick turnaround and understood my needs. Verified by RateMyAgent
Johnathan Tan
Nice work Sherry. Good agent that provided knowledgeable market information and strategy to promote interest in property during difficult market conditions. Verified by RateMyAgent
Jonathan Tan
Sherry Zhan is your go to person should you want a professional to look after you and your needs .Weather it be selling your house or maybe looking at investment then Sherry will do 110% to look after your needs. I sold my house with Sherry and she went above and beyond my expectations . always a smile on her face and warm greeting every time we meet. I would recommend Sherry to anyone that is selling /buying/ looking for advice in the market. Sherry has a warm caring nature and always has her clients put first. She gets the job done.
Ross Brannagan
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