Simone Parkes
Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Simone Parkes

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As at 12/03/25

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Buying or selling your home is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.

So it makes sense to work with someone who recognizes that every customer is different and requires a genuine and personalised real estate experience, rather than a “one size fits all” approach.

I am that person.

Not only am I equipped with a strong work ethic and attention to detail, I also thrive on achieving exceptionally high levels of customer satisfaction. My belief is that superior service is delivered by going above and beyond for my clients. You can rely on me to respond to your needs every step of the way with honesty, clear communication, appropriate action and professional advice.

Prior to my career in real estate, I was an On-Premise Account Manager in the Waikato/BOP for Hancocks, representing many well-known wine and spirit brands. So I recognize that having successful solutions for my clients is imperative, as is maintaining a professional demeanor and confidentiality.

I also had a career that spanned 18 years as an International Flight Attendant for Air New Zealand, the majority of this time focused on the airline's premium customers. I acted as a brand ambassador for the airline, and was also relied upon for my Japanese language abilities onboard.

I am conscientious and my background in customer service and sales means that I have an excellent ability to relate to people from all walks of life. I take my role seriously and have a genuine need for your experience to be as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

Outside of real estate, I am a mum to two sporting, fun-loving boys and love being actively involved in their education and activities. I grew up in the King Country and have lived in Hamilton since attending Waikato University. So I have watched the expansion of the city with interest and am passionate about sharing my local knowledge to help facilitate excellent outcomes in Hamilton’s real estate market.

So when you are ready for your next real estate decision, call me for genuine service and real results.

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Simone Parkes

Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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