Stephen Parkes
Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Stephen Parkes

Recent Successes

My Sales

On the Market

As at 12/03/25

My Listings

Selling your house is all about timing.

And that’s why, when the time is right, I encourage you pick up the phone and dial my number – because I’ve got the skills and drive to make things happen.

In other words, I’ve got a reputation for making a successful sale.

Having spent a large part of my career in sales and sales management roles, selling to the Hospitality industry for Lion Nathan, The Perry Foundation and the Lion Foundation – where building relationships is key – I’ve gained the necessary experience, understanding, and confidence to forge a winning formula in real estate.

I believe in authenticity – so when forming a marketing plan to sell your property, I’ll work with you to come up with a genuine, solid approach that will fit your needs. First, I’ll seek to understand your motives and aspirations, because I believe it’s important to acknowledge that everyone, and every situation, is unique.

But before I get to know you, here’s a bit about me: I’m a Dad to two great boys, and I enjoy being involved in coaching their sports teams, as well as providing support in their pursuit of hobbies and guidance in their education.

I have a Bachelor of Social Science from Waikato University, in which I studied Geography and Economics.

Having grown up on a sheep and beef farm near Piopio in the King Country, I’m now proud to call the Waikato home, and I strongly believe that the region has an exciting future.

Yes, the process of selling and buying can be stressful – but it can also be exhilarating and extremely rewarding. I’ll do my best to remove the anxiety, and promise to communicate and provide professional advice in a clear and concise manner.

This will be done at every stage during the sales process – whether I’m providing relevant feedback on your open home, or various options on offers or sale and purchase agreements.

My goal is to deliver Genuine Service & Real Results.

My Awards

Gold Club

2017 - 2024

#8 Lodge Salesperson


Introducing Team Parkes

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My Next Open Homes

Say hello at one of my next open homes

Please join me at our upcoming open houses, where you can explore and ask questions. Check out our open house schedule and find the time that works best for you.

See All My Open Homes

My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • My husband and I had the delight of working with Stephen Parkes from Lodge real estate when selling our rental. We found Stephen to be efficient, thorough and friendly. He did his research and presented us with an effective overview and marketing plan, outlining what needed to be done and when. He was 'straight up' and professional. Being a teacher I found this detail and forward planning reassuring.  Stephen kept in regular contact, keeping us up to date with any interest and feedback from the open homes. We were very pleased with the final result and got more than what we'd hoped for. We will be using Stephen again and highly recommend him to anyone.

    Bridget and Alun Griffiths

  • We recently sold our home with Stephen Parkes from Lodge Real estate. This is the first time we have done anything like this and the thought was pretty daunting but after meeting with Steve we were quickly put at ease. Steve was very patient with us, he sat down and explained the process of putting our house on the market. He kept us fully informed with how the marketing campaign was going with weekly updates. We were very pleased with the amount of interest Steve drummed up for our property and the outcome of the auction exceeded our expectations. If we were ever in the position to sell a house again we would not hesitate to contact Steve.

    Adele &  Glenn Gower.

  • Stephen Parkes from Lodge Real Estate recently sold our home.  The stress usually associated with selling a house was completely eliminated by Steve's level of service. We found his approach to be professional and determined, yet friendly, stress-free and genuine - a perfect mix.  From the first meeting and appraisal, through to auction day and settlement, and everything in between, Stephen's communication was outstanding. We always knew what was happening and weekly reports kept us updated about the high levels of interest he had generated in our home. By following his advice and guidance, we achieved a result which more than exceeded our expectations. We would have no hesitation in using Steve again for our real estate needs and wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone considering selling.

    Karl & Rachel  Johnson

  • Stephen sold a house for me recently and got an excellent result. I chose him because of his ethics and integrity and recommend him as someone who will work hard to sell your property and who can be trusted.

    Ruth Walker

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Stephen Parkes

Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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