Steven Patterson
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Steven Patterson

Recent Successes

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On the Market

As at 13/02/25

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Born in Hamilton, Steven knows the place like the back of his hand.

Steven joined Lodge in 2009 transitioning from an extensive and highly successful career in the automotive industry owning and operating Patterson European and more latterly Patterson Kia. He consistently produces outstanding results receiving the Lodge “Most Promising Salesperson Award 2010/11” noting his drive, determination, energy and relationship building skills as paramount to establishing his real estate career.

His consistent success Steve credits to his versatility to sell in all spectrums of the market ranging from sections at $130,000 through to homes at $900,000+. This success is complimented by the high profile of the Lodge brand which boasts a market share averaging 35 percent of sales in Hamilton. “Their success is my success!” says Steve. “Coming from a background of 30 years in the car industry, I have found real estate a completely different dynamic requiring a formula of structure, discipline, flexibility and perseverance, the common denominator being people”.

Steven is a husband and father of three teenagers, the often frustrated owner of Molly-the-Dog who constantly vamps Chloe the ‘established’ family cat! He and his family support the SPCA.

He is an enthusiastic and keen all round sportsman – squash, cycling, golf, fishing and rugby, a game he embarked on at 4 through 38 with his dad a founding member of the Te Rapa Rugby Club.

My Awards

Gold Club

2016, 2017

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Steven Patterson

Residential Sales Consultant

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