Tej Sra
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Tej Sra

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On the Market

As at 16/02/25

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Hi, I’m Tejinder Sra and I believe in achieving the best possible outcome for my clients. I believe a clear communication is the key which ensures mutual success.

I’m an experienced, well-educated, agent that enjoys continuous learning and getting to know people from all walks of life.

I have a Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Business and Information Technology, although here I am carving out a career helping people sell or buy what is usually their biggest asset.

I entered real estate because it offers many people great opportunity for wealth creation and a better lifestyle. It is also an industry that continues to expand as the economy, and urban populations, evolve. The future is a bright one.

You can rely on me to:
• be aware of what’s going on in the market;
• access information and market data;
• pick up on seller or buyer signals and any change in circumstance or language;
• talk with fellow agents and other professionals;
• negotiate on your behalf and shoulder much of the administrative hassle, and;
• to secure a deal that works for you.

If you need an agent that is committed and dedicated to their job, an agent that will secure you a deal that reflects your best interests, gives practical advice and guidance throughout the entire process to ensure stress-free experience and helps fulfil your immediate and long-term property goals. For all that, I’m here for you.

Should you be selling, a marketing/advertising and social media plan will be developed with your input, and we’ll set ourselves appropriate milestones with a timeline in-mind. Naturally, we’ll want to appeal to the widest audience possible, although it will be in our interest to create a true competitive scenario among buyers, and that will mean targeting the hottest buyers: It’s my job to know who those people are.

The ultimate goal is getting you the best market price for your property, and we’ll set a realistic range to aim at.

If you’re buying, I’ll chat to you about your goals, budget, and timeline. I will delve into you non-negotiable criteria, and talk to you about choices and trade-offs, as well as what can prevent a deal from progressing, and how we can overcome those factors. From serious investors to young families seeking their first home, I’ll only spend time showing you the kind of homes you’re looking for.

Let’s get things sorted and settled. Give me a call today.

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Tej Sra

Residential Sales Consultant

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