Wendy Jeffs
Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Wendy Jeffs

Recent Successes

My Sales

Opening doors to new beginnings

As a dedicated real estate professional, my focus is on providing exceptional service that goes beyond just meeting your needs - I aim to exceed them. This means creating a seamless experience, leaving you with a positive, lasting impression.

I build trust through reliable, consistent service. My goal is to ensure that you feel confident and supported every step of the way. By actively listening to truly understand your requirements, I am able to provide tailored advice and solutions that are aligned with your goals. I’ll make sure your real estate journey not just successful, but enjoyable.

What sets me apart is my ability to truly understand your unique preferences and goals. I take the time to personalize my approach, ensuring that every interaction reflects that you are my top priority. I’m not simply focused on closing a sale; I care about your journey and your success, and I work tirelessly to make it happen.

With over 10 years of experience in the real estate industry, I bring expert market knowledge, exceptional communication skills, and a commitment to going above and beyond for my clients. My dedication has been recognized with numerous awards throughout my career, and I continue to foster strong relationships with clients long after the deal is done, staying connected and available for guidance whenever needed.

I’m excited to bring my passion for real estate and dedication to client satisfaction to every client I work with. Let’s work together to make your real estate goals a reality!

My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • Wendy is amazing

    Wendy is amazing and goes that extra mile to help both parties. We had great communication and Wendy was there at the drop of a hat to answer any concerns or questions we had. We couldn't have asked for a better agent. Thank you so much for all your help, love and support.

    Tash & Liam

  • One of life's treasures

    We first made contact with Wendy in February 2021 via a phone enquiry about a property she had recently listed. Although the property was not what we were looking for, we asked Wendy to keep an eye out if anything else came on the market. Not only did Wendy do this, she also advised us on other agency properties if she felt they fitted our brief. After many lengthy phone calls and numerous facetime viewings, Wendy found us our dream bach! We placed an offer on the property that afternoon and although it was our first meeting with Wendy in person, we felt like we had known her for years! She even bought beautiful gifts for us and our children upon settlement. Not only does Wendy have integrity of the highest level, she is truly one of life's treasures who goes over and beyond the call of duty for her clients.

    T & C Donaldson

  • Professional yet friendly approach

    Wendy recently sold our property in Whangamata. Right from the word go, she was amazing! Her professional yet friendly approach, coupled with consistent and clear communication made the process seamless. Nothing was ever a problem. We will forever be grateful to Wendy for taking the stress out of selling our much loved beach house! I would highly recommend Wendy to anyone looking to sell their property.

    T Littin

Wendy Jeff Profile

Wendy Jeffs

Residential & Lifestyle Sales Consultant

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