Yvenna Yue
Residential & Lifestyle Sales

Lodge Salesperson

About Yvenna Yue

Recent Successes

My Sales

On the Market

As at 13/02/25

My Listings

2023/24 REINZ Residential Salesperson of the Year - Volume
2020/21 REINZ Residential Salesperson of the Year - Volume

2023/24 REINZ Residential Salesperson of the Year - Volume

2020/21 REINZ Residential Salesperson of the Year - Volume

Yvenna's networking skills and real estate savviness catapulted her to be New Zealand's top performing agent and she has no intention of slowing down.

Yvenna, originally from Shanghai, studied Management at Waikato University and fell in love with New Zealand and Hamilton in particular. In her years as a very successful entrepreneur, she built up an extensive network of social and business contacts and quickly became well known in Hamilton, both in the Kiwi and in the growing Chinese community.

Seeing a need for a real estate service that truly caters to the fast pace and multicultural dimension of the Hamilton market, Yvenna decided to take on the challenge and strive to be the best of the best. In her debut year, the prompt achievement of both local and regional awards, like the 'Rising Star', proved to her that she had found her calling. Within a short five years, Yvenna had achieved one of the two most coveted national industry awards "the 2020/21 REINZ Residential Salesperson of the year" volume.

Getting familiar with the Hamilton real estate market, developing a feel for value and an astonishing knack for opportunities came easy to her, and she enjoys learning more about the city's neighbourhoods, secrets and insider tips every day.

Being one of New Zealand's top performing agents fills Yvenna with pride and gratitude towards her clients and customers. Her immense drive and ambition to improve never lets her rest until her job is completed above and beyond expectation. She believes that a large part of her success is her outgoing personality and delight in constantly meeting people and networking.

'When you're considering selling real estate, it's all about the 'value add' that an agent can offer you. Backed by Hamilton's leading Real Estate brand, our robust systems and multilingual networks ensure that we get our clients properties marketed to a much wider audience and secure them the best result'.

Talk to Yvenna today to discuss how she can add value to your next real estate transaction.


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Yvenna Yue

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

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