Zoe Wilson
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Zoe Wilson

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On the Market

As at 12/03/25

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As native Hamiltonians it’s fair to say James Walsh and Zoe Wilson know, and love, the city they’ve grown up in, and are proud to have witnessed its growth and development during the past decade.

They also have a passion for Hamilton’s residential housing market, which is highlighted by their job philosophy; they believe they’re not merely selling city real estate, rather – they’re selling a range of Hamilton lifestyles.

And there’s plenty on offer: From traditional suburban living through to sophisticated multi-unit apartments, Hamilton’s diverse communities present something for all ages, cultures, and circumstance. It’s a city rich in opportunity and excitement.

Recently James sold 21 apartments ahead of completion of ParkHaven Luxury Apartments. They’re also marketing Hills Village (Stark Property, stage two now for sale) in Hamilton East, together with nine high-end apartments at nearby One Cook St.

Having studied at Lincoln University, James has background in business management and commerce. After a stint working on a farm in the United Kingdom, and time spent in property management, he began selling real estate in 2015. He enjoys the engagement with local people that is part-and-parcel of helping to sell and buy real estate, and is proud to have forged close friendships with many of his past clients.

Zoe’s been in real estate marketing for six years, most recently as Marketing Manager for Lodge Real Estate. She has a deep understanding of how the market works, knows the right resources that make for a smooth sale, and has the ability to tap in to a wide network of industry colleagues. Zoe is an expert in digital marketing, giving her clients an edge through quickly reaching a wide pool of the right buyers.

If you want professional, dedicated, representation and guidance through your house sale, James and Zoe are the pair for you. From initial consultation and appraisal through to settlement, James and Zoe will listen closely, and work with you, toward the best result. They’ll help identify the most effective sales strategy specific to your property, and execute the plan with precision.

Communication is among their top priorities, and when the time calls for assertive negotiation, the couple are experienced, calm, and clear in their thoughts and goals.

James and Zoe live in Hamilton East with their sausage dog Mozart (say hi if you see them in the village!). James’s second passion is rugby, and he’s club captain of Hamilton Marist; Zoe admits she’d rather spend her days off painting, or with her nose in a book.

James and Zoe would love the opportunity to assist you buying or selling your home.

Are you ready? Give them a call today.

Introducing Zoë and James

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  • I cannot let this occasion pass without thanking you for your huge effort in the purchase and sale of Manning Street. I was very impressed with the whole process. You allowed my wife and myself time to consider various aspects of the apartments. You liaised with our lawyer and she found you easy to work with. The process seemed almost seamless. Nothing was too much for you. You found and delivered the Building Plans and the Architectural Schedules. These, I have found very useful. You gave us access to the apartments numerous times to check things out and to obtain quotes for blinds and drapes. We never felt like it was too much trouble, at each of our numerous requests. We were very impressed with your grasp of all the detail of these units. Sometimes, surprised that you knew the answer to more technical questions. It indicated that you has done your homework thoroughly before going to market. But most of all we found you always cheerful and pleasant. You were easy to talk to and we valued your professional opinion, when we asked. I suspect you enjoyed the process as much as we did. Your professionalism was of a high standard.

    Don & Lorraine Harford

  • Zoe went out of her way to help us find the perfect property and, when we were considering selling, to help us promote our own property in the best way. In all respects, we felt that Zoe had our best interests at heart. We were also impressed with her technical expertise in the area of online promotions. Zoe is genuinely warm and friendly to deal with and became like a member of our family by the end of our 4 or 5 months that we worked together. There is no question that we would use her again for our future real estate needs.

    Megan and James

  • My sincere thanks for the splendid job you both did for me resulting in the successful sale of my property. You both showed such care and kindness and were just so professional in everything that you did for me. I couldn’t have done this without you

    Anne Bennett

  • I was fortunate to have James and Zoe as my agents in 2020 when I sold my rural property. Due to Covid we were faced with many challenges but the marketing, auction and sale all went according to plan. James and Zoe were excellent to work with always professional and encouraging. I couldn’t have been happier. Thank you James and Zoe.


  • James and Zoe aren’t your typical pushy salespeople only interested in the bottom line. I received completely personalised service that we reviewed and tweaked (if needed) at least weekly; they research, strategise, discuss, and negotiate, so that both vendor and purchaser walk away happy. Each on their own are great, but put them together and they make a truly awesome team.


  • This was our very first time selling a house and the experience we had with James and Zoe was awesome, cannot speak highly of them enough! Every part of the process/plan was explained to us, all of our many questions were answered quickly and we felt we were in good hands the whole time. They know the housing market really well, they’re open and honest and they’re so lovely to deal with. We’ve recommended them to anyone we hear wanting to sell

    Matt and Hetty

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Zoe Wilson

Residential Sales Consultant

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