Lodge Commercial Team

About Lodge Commercial Team
We’re commercial specialists
Lodge Commercial offers expertise in areas of commercial real estate, including industrial and retail sales and leasing, body corporate management, business brokering and multi-unit sales. We advise and act for clients ranging from first time investors and individual private investors to major Hamilton developers and local body and central government agencies. Teamwork, innovation and our passion for property is at the heart of everything we do, as we strive to go the extra mile to exceed our clients’ expectations. Find out more about our team and services.
We’re Waikato locals
For over 40 years, Lodge has been an integral part of the Waikato landscape. With 9 offices, 80 salespeople and 16 property managers we have daily contact with more people. This provides us with an unrivalled knowledge base.
Greater reach - greater selling power
Our association with NZ Realtors provides Lodge Commercial with a network of associations throughout New Zealand. From Barfoot & Thompson who dominate the influential Auckland market to Southern Wide Realty in Southland our network associates us with buyers and tenants moving to the region.
Lodge Commercial offers expertise in areas of commercial real estate, including industrial and retail sales and leasing, body corporate management, business brokering and multi-unit sales. We advise and act for clients ranging from first time investors and individual private investors to major Hamilton developers and local body and central government agencies. Teamwork, innovation and our passion for property is at the heart of everything we do, as we strive to go the extra mile to exceed our clients’ expectations. Find out more about our team and services.
We’re Waikato locals
For over 40 years, Lodge has been an integral part of the Waikato landscape. With 9 offices, 80 salespeople and 16 property managers we have daily contact with more people. This provides us with an unrivalled knowledge base.
Greater reach - greater selling power
Our association with NZ Realtors provides Lodge Commercial with a network of associations throughout New Zealand. From Barfoot & Thompson who dominate the influential Auckland market to Southern Wide Realty in Southland our network associates us with buyers and tenants moving to the region.
Our latest sales
Our Recent Successes
Take a look at our recently sold properties to get a sense of the successful deals we've closed and the range of homes we've found for happy buyers. Get inspiration for your own search or get in contact with us today to find out how we can help.
Let's talk
Ask us about the best way to get top dollar for your property in the current market.