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thank you for all your support and hard work throughout the process of selling our home here in Raglan.
After our home had been on the market for 10 months a neighbour recommended you to us as being very personable, with your interest in people and not just about a quick sale.
That is exactly what we experienced, you are a delight to work with and thank you for selling our home so swiftly. I do recall discussing Lodge Real Estate and how that would provide excellent exposure to sell our home and it worked.
Right from the very beginning you made Pete, and I feel safe and cared for - Jono, you were lovely to work with, very professional, never lead us down a garden path of false promises and we trusted you implicitly.
Thank you for respecting, at all times our confidentiality and using your fantastic negotiation skills, you have a genuine interest in people and their lives.
Finally, we feel you made the whole process smooth, and grateful for your advice along the way!Jacqui and Peter Henderson
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