Preparing your home for sale

Before you put your house on the market, it’s important to know your competition, the market and to make sure your house is looking its best.
The art of presenting a property for sale is an important one to master. Presentation is often the reason that two properties that appear the same on paper, sell for vastly different prices.
We do not always recommend that you spend substantial amounts on major improvements. However, each home is different and your Lodge representative will discuss what improvements are necessary to maximise your value.
When it comes to preparing a house for sale, we have identified physical appearance, atmosphere and the space you create as the three critical factors. This is because they affect the emotional response of a buyer to your home. Below we have listed some general handy hints you may wish to consider.
Physical appearance
These are the two questions that should be considered when assessing your homes desirability to a buyer:
How does your house look from the road?
What would you think if you viewed it for the first time?
First impressions count...
Create an entrance or decorate a dull garden with pot plants & garden furniture that can be taken with you.
Prune trees or shrubs close to the property to help with natural light.
Clean walls, floors & windows.
Clean dust & cobwebs from the exterior.
Repair items such as dripping taps, sticking doors & drawers, cracked windows & stained carpets.
Touch up paint where necessary.
Ensure fences are in good order.
Remove rubbish.
Weed & cultivate the garden beds.
Add a splash of colourful flowers to gardens.
Never underestimate the role emotion plays when buying a house:
Neutralise cooking & pet odours.
Introduce vases of fresh flowers.
Take pets with you during inspections.
Wash & store dishes.
Clean and declutter bench tops.
Open curtains & blinds to let the light in.
Turn on lights in dark rooms or passageways.
Put children's toys away.
Make up beds.
Keep a warm house in winter if possible.
More often than not, particularly with people trading up, buyers are looking for more space. It is very important to make each room appear as spacious as possible:
Store some furniture with a friend, self storage company or in the garage to open up rooms & hallways.
Open curtains & blinds to allow as much natural light as possible to assist in accentuating the feeling of spaciousness.
Prune shrubs & trees close to the house which shade windows.
If a property is vacant the use of designer furniture for the period of the sale can be advantageous. This can help in both delineating spaces and in creating atmosphere in an empty space.
See also our guide to open home preparation.
We suggest you discuss the best way to present your property for sale with your Lodge representative.