Jas Deol
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Jas Deol

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As at 12/03/25

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I’m Jas Deol, and I bring to real estate a unique combination of business experience and passion for helping my clients achieve their property goals. 


I believe in being proactive and delivering results that not only meet but exceed my clients’ expectations. Communication and trust are at the heart of what I do, and I strive to ensure that my clients feel supported and informed at every stage of the buying or selling process.


What sets me apart is my ability to combine my business expertise with my real estate knowledge to create a tailored approach for each client. I focus on making every process efficient, transparent, and focused on achieving the best possible outcomes. Running a successful business has sharpened my attention to detail and given me the ability to solve challenges as they arise.


Outside of real estate, I’m deeply involved in my community. I manage cricket teams and help organize youth basketball teams, sponsoring local events staying active and connected through sports & events.


My journey into real estate is driven by my passion for property and my desire to help others achieve their goals. With trust, integrity, and a focus on delivering results, I’m here to help turn your property dreams into reality.

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Jas Deol

Residential Sales Consultant

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