Lodge Salesperson
About Johnny Lee
Cool, calm and collected matched with a commitment to delivering excellent customer service; building lasting relationships & stress-free dealings is what Johnny is known for.
Born in Malaysia and having spent the last twenty years in New Zealand, his innate ability to connect with others through language and cultural understanding is admirable amongst his peers. With half a decade of experience in sales and his impressive ability to speak four languages – Malay, Cantonese, Mandarin and English – Johnny is an asset to his clients and an integral part of Team Blair Pointon.
After running a successful food business for four years, Johnny has a diverse career background and brings a unique perspective and wealth of knowledge to the table. With over twenty years of combined experience between them; Johnny, Blair and the team provide a powerful combination of proficiency and fresh perspective.
Ready to guide you through a significant life transition with ease and expertise, if you’re looking to buy or sell, get in touch with Johnny Lee.
TOP 3 LODGE GROUP 2022/23/24
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