Jono Hutson
Residential Sales Consultant

Lodge Salesperson

About Jono Hutson

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On the Market

As at 13/03/25

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“I have always been passionate about real estate.”
Before moving to Raglan ten years ago, Jono lived on the West Coast of Auckland where he successfully sold residential and lifestyle properties for another company.

“Over the last few years, I have become very conscious of how lucky I am to call Whaingaroa, Raglan home. It is such an incredible place with so many special people. I am grateful I am able to offer my service and expertise to the community.”
Keeping an eye on the market in Raglan and assisting friends through the process of both buying and selling, Jono felt compelled to enter the market again and offer a fresh approach, focused on trust, transparency and communication.
Jono is a third generation real estate professional - it’s his passion and a big subject for many people. Dealing with people’s biggest investment is a matter he takes very seriously, treating every transaction like the first. Jono believes that he can provide a unique service, to assist you with advice and support through the entire process of buying or selling your home. From initial thoughts and curiosity regarding your property's current market value to advice on simple strategies to maximise your property's appeal to buyers ... he is happy to share what he knows.
“I am always confident that I can create the ultimate outcome for my clients. It is actually about service. Every property is different and with this in mind, each marketing campaign is tailored to suit. Often the potential to add value is in the small details. It is my job to exceed expectations and make sure that it is an enjoyable and stress-free experience.
Believe it or not, it can actually be fun!" Jono is a great asset to the Lodge Real Estate team and he is now keen to help vendors through the sale and purchase process, and assist them with his marketing knowledge and specialist skills to achieve the best possible result.

“I invite you to CALL ME TODAY for an obligation-free chat and learn more about what I can offer YOU." Give me a call today, I’m here to help.

Introducing Team Jono

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My Testimonials

Kind words from my happy clients

Hear directly from my satisfied clients by reading their testimonials and discover how I've helped them.

  • thank you for all your support and hard work throughout the process of selling our home here in Raglan.

    After our home had been on the market for 10 months a neighbour recommended you to us as being very personable, with your interest in people and not just about a quick sale.

    That is exactly what we experienced, you are a delight to work with and thank you for selling our home so swiftly. I do recall discussing Lodge Real Estate and how that would provide excellent exposure to sell our home and it worked.

    Right from the very beginning you made Pete, and I feel safe and cared for - Jono, you were lovely to work with, very professional, never lead us down a garden path of false promises and we trusted you implicitly.

    Thank you for respecting, at all times our confidentiality and using your fantastic negotiation skills, you have a genuine interest in people and their lives.

    Finally, we feel you made the whole process smooth, and grateful for your advice along the way!

    Jacqui and Peter Henderson

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Jono Hutson

Residential Sales Consultant

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