Lodge Salesperson
About Kristina Emson
Kristina comes well equipped from her time in the marketing team as lead Auctions Coordinator at Lodge and has a strong understanding of what’s required to set your home up for success. After overseeing countless auctions each week, she makes multitasking look effortless. Cutting her teeth with successful campaigns, she knows exactly what’s required to reach the top and has the capability to adjust her approach and style to suit.
With a Bachelor of Business majoring in Marketing and experience with multiple roles within the law industry, Kristina is strategic and thorough. She sees motivation in organisation and is ambitious to redefine the real estate experience.
Here, so Blair can be there. Kristina specialises as the important link between buyers and sellers within the team’s portfolio of listings. Committed to getting things right the first time, her approachable attitude and dedicated work ethic are unparalleled. Working in synergy, this dynamic team is committed in their approach, and with their loyal customers front of mind, you can see why they consistently perform at the top within the industry.
Having carved her place within the company, she is now dedicated to helping you find yours within Hamilton’s exciting landscape. If you’re looking to buy or sell, Kristina has the industry knowledge and knows what it takes to get things sold.
Available 7 days on 022 197 3396.

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