Lodge Salesperson
About Vaughan Heslop
Passionate and disciplined, Vaughan Heslop exudes enthusiasm and conducts his business with an incredible work ethic, ensuring his customers the best possible service and a great experience.
Qualified with a Bachelor in Science & Technology with double majors Vaughan has been selling real estate with Lodge Real Estate since 2003. During his time with the firm he has established himself as a top achiever regionally, testified by the host of industry awards he has collected
Achievements include:
• In excess of $130 million worth of real estate sold
• REINZ top 10 salesperson Waikato/BOP/Taupo/Hawkes Bay (all companies)
• Number 2 salesperson Lodge Real Estate 2007-2012
• Lodge Ruby club membership
• Record for Lodge Real Estates largest sale
After eight and a half years at the forefront of residential sales with Lodge Real Estate, In 2012, Vaughan took the opportunity to join Lodge Commercial where he specialises in commercial property and multi unit residential dwelling sales. This past experience spanning all segments of real estate has given Vaughan a vast set of skills and extensive networks throughout the country. This resource, combined with his drive and his personable approach means that you benefit from an industry leader with top credentials and ensures the best value is obtained for your property.
My Awards

Gold Club
2011, 2012, 2014 - 2024

#7 Lodge Salesperson

350 Million in Sales

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My Recent Successes
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